100-word story

Can a story be told in as short as 100 words? And what if it is made in exactly 100 words excluding the title?

What follows is a succinct endeavour to enthral.


‘God decoded in the Robots’ conference 2050 AD’ read the newspapers.

‘Humans never decoded God. We’ll do it’ said Robot primary R1, amid cheers.

Humans, robots and world channels zoomed on R1.

‘A zillion processes and more to decode God and I touched infinity. Canis lupus familiaris, a friendly species, barks, a mammal and is called Dog’.

Someone said ‘R1’s complex analysis should have gone beyond ‘one-point compactification’ where +infinity and -infinity are treated the same. Hence ‘God’ has been reversed to ‘Dog’’.

The robots processed the failure. Since humans could marvel at the omniscience of God, they won again.

- Ram Kallapiran


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