A question to God – why did you create us?
This question triggered a series of other questions. What is the scarcest commodity in the world - oil, water, gold? None of these but lovers are the scarcest commodities in the world as only a rare few are au fait in loving fellow beings. Why do we remember the day from the past decade when we shared our food with a hungry stranger more than the gossip about a co-worker that happened last week? And how can we use the term unconditional love when love is always unconditional? If a condition is involved, even a trifle, then it is bondage or alloyed versions of love. Bondage in relationships ties us down to something. It is a give-and-take without a contract. This means we have a need to expect something from others. When this need is met we feel happy and if not we feel put down. Our world of happiness, hence, is not of our own making but that of others. If being happy is the basic nature of humans, we rely on others for this very basic need. In other words, we beg someth...